Listing courtesy of MB STOEHR & COMPANY
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Super Nice tri-level home with unfinished partial basement for storage or future finsishing. Nicely lanscaped with play ground and astro turf back yard that allows for zero watering in backyard. 25 x 12 concrete block patio for afternoon grilling is a very nice feature also. Two raised garden boxes however, just incase home grown tomatoes are on the list. Inside provides 3 bedrooms and 3 baths with large family room, eat in kitchen, or dining room with spacious living room for etertaining. Neat and clean! Show and sell today!!!
Available now at $554,500
The average asking price of a 3 bedroom Aurora home in this zip code is $500,920 (9.7% less than this home).
This home is priced at $336/sqft, which is 9.9% less than similar homes in the 80013 zip code.
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Listing Courtesy of MB STOEHR & COMPANY. For information or to schedule a viewing of this property (MLS# 6881274), call: 720-580-6694
3930 S Argonne Way, Aurora CO is a single family home of 1652 sqft and is currently priced at $554,500 . This single family home has 3 bedrooms. A comparable home for sale at 17984 E Bates Ave in Aurora is listed at $517,500. In addition to single family homes, Highgarden also makes it easy to find Homes, Condos and Foreclosures in Aurora, CO. Summer Breeze, Copperleaf and Kelly Creek are nearby neighborhoods. MLS 6881274 has been posted on this site since 3/20/2025 (today).
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